Memorial Day Weekend 2019
Let's face it: when you have kids, long weekends are wonderful AND challenging! The more time we spend with our kids, the more opportunities there are for us to butt heads. There is not a single parent out there who hasn't ever lost it with their kids (myself included!). And there's not a single parent out there who wouldn't benefit from new ideas and strategies to use (or a reminder/refresher about ideas with which you're maybe already familiar!) in those inevitable infuriating parenting moments.
Let us help!
This holiday weekend, we are offering our online program for parents, How to Not Lose Your Sh*t With Your Kids, for 25% off our usual price of $30... sign up for this program before end of day on Monday, and you pay only $22.50! Parents who have participated in this program in the past have given feedback that even at the $30 price point, the program was an above average value for the money (totally worth it!)-- and now these strategies and ideas can be yours for even less.
Sign up today, and you can choose to start on whatever date works best for your schedule. The program involves 30 days of a daily email, delivered to your inbox in time for your daily coffee. Each message contains a strategy or idea to help you keep your cool with your kids-- and each idea/strategy is grounded in research. If you're short on time, each message has a brief summary section that you can skim. If you have extra time and want to learn more, each message has linked resources that we think are excellent sources for a deeper dive.
If you're the parent of a toddler, this program is for you.
If you're the parent of a preschooler, this program is for you.
If you're the parent of an elementary school kid, a middle school kid, or a teenager... guess what? This program is for you!
The strategies that we cover are appropriate and helpful for parents of ANY aged kid, because they focus on US and what we as parents can do when we notice that our kids are pushing our buttons-- whether in the context of a toddler meltdown or a teenage power struggle.
Wishing you and your family a peaceful and relaxing long weekend!
P.S.-- just a reminder that we also teach KIDS how to effectively manage stressful moments and big emotions in our Mighty Minds program! It's not too late to sign your child up for this summer's sessions! More information, feedback from previous participants and their families, and registration can be found on our website.